My friend asked to have my husband’s baby…naturally! - r/okstorytime | Reddit Stories | EP1988
🎁 Become a member and get bonus livestreams on Mondays & Fridays! 👉 👯♂️ Hang out with us on Discord! 👉 []( ✍️ Have a story? Join our subreddit and submit your story there for a chance to be featured! 👉 🏆 Want ad free podcast episodes? Join our Patreon 👉 👀 Watch on Youtube: r/okstorytime - My "friend" asked me if she could have my husbands baby, even if it had to happen "naturally"r/BestofRedditorUpdates - I (30F) promised my dying friend that I would regularly visit her disabled son (50sM). Now my husband (30M) wants to move across the country but I feel too guiltyr/amiwrong - My now ex boyfriend (32M) didn't defend me (32F), so I defended myself. Was I wrong for doing that?r/BestofRedditorUpdates - I had the opportunity for revenge, but I couldn't do it + 11 month updater/BestofRedditorUpdates - AITAH for asking my bf not to go to a wedding with his ex gf? Note: stories are sometimes abbreviated #reddit #funnyredditpostsSee for privacy information.
My sister in law got my baby sick…then tried to gaslight me! | Reddit Stories| EP1987
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I asked my fiancé to limit interactions with his female colleague…he REFUSED! - r/TwoHotTakes | Reddit Stories | EP1894
🎁 Become a member and get bonus livestreams on Mondays & Fridays! 👉 👯♂️ Hang out with us on Discord! 👉 []( ✍️ Have a story? Join our subreddit and submit your story there for a chance to be featured! 👉 🏆 Want ad free podcast episodes? Join our Patreon 👉 👀 Watch on Youtube: r/TwoHotTakes - AITA for asking my fiance to limit interactions with his colleague even though it might hurt him at work?r/AmITheAsshole - AITAH For wanting my fiancé to prioritize my family’s vacation over her best friends tripr/comfortlevelpod - My fiance doesn't want to watch my first ever 10k because it is at 7 in the morningr/BORUpdates - AITA My husband is better than my bf's husband?r/AmITheBadApple - Am I the bad apple for considering leaving my husband over video games?r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC - AITA for wanting to cut off my friend cuz of her s*x life? Note: stories are sometimes abbreviated #reddit #funnyredditpostsSee for privacy information.
My best friend DEMANDED I break up with my fiancé…because she’s jealous of me! | Reddit Stories | EP1983
🎁 Become a member and get bonus livestreams on Mondays & Fridays! 👉 👯♂️ Hang out with us on Discord! 👉 []( ✍️ Have a story? Join our subreddit and submit your story there for a chance to be featured! 👉 🏆 Want ad free podcast episodes? Join our Patreon 👉 👀 Watch on Youtube: r/AITAH - AITA for cutting contact with my childhood best friend because she demanded that I break up with my fiancé? Note: stories are sometimes abbreviated #reddit #funnyredditpostsSee for privacy information.
I'm jealous of my sister's marriage…so I tried to find dirt on her husband! - r/BestofRedditorUpdates | Reddit Stories | EP1984
🎁 Become a member and get bonus livestreams on Mondays & Fridays! 👉 👯♂️ Hang out with us on Discord! 👉 []( ✍️ Have a story? Join our subreddit and submit your story there for a chance to be featured! 👉 🏆 Want ad free podcast episodes? Join our Patreon 👉 👀 Watch on Youtube: r/BestofRedditorUpdates - I'm so jealous of my sister's marriage that it sickens me. I even snooped on her husband looking for evidence he's actually crap. I'm ashamed./BestofRedditorUpdates - SIL is bitter her ex proposed to me and this got her banned from our family. AITAH for this?r/BORUpdates - AITAH for blowing up at my sister because her husband’s behavior is not my fault?r/dustythunder - WIBTA if I threw away my sisters stuff from my basement?r/charlottedobreyoutube - AITH for not making my sister a bridesmaid and confronting her about talking behind my back?r/AITAH - AITAH for going low/no contact with my brother after he insisted I take my dog home from my parents Note: stories are sometimes abbreviated #reddit #funnyredditpostsSee for privacy information.